Yûji TAKAYAMA - 鷹山ユージ

Yûji TAKAYAMA - 鷹山ユージ


this director is not yet in our database, only contents which he/she directed are listed here.

note: only directors working also as adult performer and who are Asian or from Asian origin will be added to our database.


DVD / VHS / Blu-ray / other physical storage formats

as director

21 movies in database for this film director
title original title code studio distributor date
Beautiful Ass Dildo Masturbation vol. 6 美尻ディルドオナニー Vol.6 doks-311 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2014-10-17
Beautiful Ass Dildo Masturbation vol. 7 美尻ディルドオナニー Vol.7 doks-330 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2015-04-17
Beautiful Ass Dildo Masturbation vol. 7 【アウトレット】美尻ディルドオナニー Vol.7 8doks-330 Eiten Nekketsu Tokka 2017-02-03
Blowjob Language VOLUME 1 01 フェラ語 VOLUME.01 doks-129 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2010-05-01
Blowjob Language VOLUME 1 02 フェラ語 VOLUME.02 doks-149 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2010-10-01
Blowjobs & Masturbation フェラチオナニー doks-118 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2010-02-05
Complete POV - I'll Help You Masturbate 完全主観 センズリお手伝いしてあげる doks-121 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2010-03-05
Dildo Fantasy Masturbation vol. 2 妄想ディルドオナニー VOL.2 doks-154 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2010-11-05
Dildo Masturbation So Violent Her Big Tits Go Bouncing 巨乳が暴れまわるディルドオナニー doks-345 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2015-09-18
I Like Women's Ass in Panties: I Want to Rub it Against an Ass in a Tight Skirt 着衣尻が好き タイトスカートの尻にこすりつけたい doks-269 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2013-07-19
Lolita Dildo Masturbation 3 ロ●ータディルドオナニー 3 doks-192 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2011-09-02
Lolita Dildo Masturbation 5 ロ●ータディルドオナニー 5 doks-240 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2013-01-05
Loud and Sloppy Blow Jobs 爆音フェラチオ doks-259 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2013-05-17
Panty Buttjob パンティ尻ずり doks-140 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2010-07-16
Panty Buttjob vol. 2 パンティ尻ずり Vol.2 doks-170 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2011-03-04
Passionate Blowjob 抱きしめてフェラチオ doks-263 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2013-06-21
Schoolgirls Seriously Crying For Deep Throat 女子校生マジ泣きイラマチオ doks-142 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2010-08-06
Schoolgirls Squirting vol. 2 女子校生のおもらしオナニー Vol.2 doks-146 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2010-09-17
Schoolgirls Squirting vol. 3 女子校生のおもらしオナニー Vol.3 doks-180 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2011-06-03
Sloppy, Loud Head 爆音フェラ doks-134 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2010-06-18
Sloppy, Loud Head 2 爆音フェラ 2 doks-178 OFFICE K'S OFFICE K’S 2011-05-20
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