
this director is not yet in our database, only contents which he/she directed are listed here.

note: only directors working also as adult performer and who are Asian or from Asian origin will be added to our database.


DVD / VHS / Blu-ray / other physical storage formats

as director

19 movies in database for this film director
title original title code studio distributor date
MAX GIRLS 23 xv-796 MAX-A MAX-A 2009-11-13
MAX GIRLS 24 xv-804 MAX-A MAX-A 2009-12-11
MAX GIRLS 25 xv-812 MAX-A MAX-A 2010-01-08
MAX GIRLS 26 xv-821 MAX-A MAX-A 2010-02-12
MAX GIRLS 27 xv-829 MAX-A MAX-A 2010-03-12
MAX GIRLS 28 xv-837 MAX-A MAX-A 2010-04-09
MAX GIRLS 29 xv-845 MAX-A MAX-A 2010-05-14
MAX GIRLS 30 xv-853 MAX-A MAX-A 2010-06-11
MAX GIRLS 31 xv-862 MAX-A MAX-A 2010-07-09
MAX GIRLS 32 xv-870 MAX-A MAX-A 2010-08-13
MAX GIRLS 33 xv-878 MAX-A MAX-A 2010-09-10
MAX GIRLS 34 xv-886 MAX-A MAX-A 2010-10-08
MAX GIRLS 35 xv-895 MAX-A MAX-A 2010-11-12
MAX GIRLS 36 xv-903 MAX-A MAX-A 2010-12-10
MAX GIRLS 37 xv-911 MAX-A MAX-A 2011-01-14
MAX GIRLS 38 xv-919 MAX-A MAX-A 2011-02-11
MAX GIRLS 39 xv-933 MAX-A MAX-A 2011-04-08
MAX GIRLS 40 xv-948 MAX-A MAX-A 2011-06-10
MAX GIRLS 42 MAX GIRLS 42 MAX-A女優勢揃い! 集中ケア11連発!240分!! xv-974 MAX-A MAX-A 2011-10-14
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