Teppei YAJIMA - 矢島鉄平

Teppei YAJIMA - 矢島鉄平


this director is not yet in our database, only contents which he/she directed are listed here.

note: only directors working also as adult performer and who are Asian or from Asian origin will be added to our database.


DVD / VHS / Blu-ray / other physical storage formats

as director

18 movies in database for this film director
title original title code studio distributor date
Imôto MAID BOKU no Moe Môsô HOZUMI Yûri いもうとメイド ボクの萌え妄想 穂積ゆうり herr-021 HERO RED (HERO) 2013-01-13
Imôto MAID BOKU no Moe Môsô KIMURA Tsuna いもうとメイド ボクの萌え妄想 木村つな herr-018 HERO RED (HERO) 2012-10-13
Imôto MAID BOKU no Moe Môsô KURIHARA Yun いもうとメイド ボクの萌え妄想 栗原ゆん herr-019 HERO RED (HERO) 2012-11-13
Imôto MAID BOKU no Moe Môsô SATÔ Yuri いもうとメイド ボクの萌え妄想 沙藤ユリ herr-022 HERO RED (HERO) 2013-02-13
Imôto MAID BOKU no Moe Môsô UEHARA Ai いもうとメイド ボクの萌え妄想 上原亜衣 herr-020 HERO RED (HERO) 2012-12-13
Imôto MAID BOKU no Moe Môsô USAMI Nana いもうとメイド ボクの萌え妄想 宇佐美なな herr-017 HERO RED (HERO) 2012-09-13
Imôto MAID to Yaritai Hôdai - 6-nin no MAID and4 Jikan no SEKUROSU - いもうとメイドとやりたい放題〜6人のメイドand4時間のセクロス〜 herr-028 HERO RED (HERO) 2013-08-13
Keiyaku Toritsuke Nama HAME Eigyô Kana-san 契約取り付け生ハメ営業 香奈さん mwbb-001 MARRION world-av 2012-08-30
My Little Sister Is At An Age That Makes Me Worried - Hikari-chan 僕の妹は悩めるお年頃 ひかりちゃん jump-5022 JUMP world-av 2012-12-25
My Little Sister's at a Troublesome Age 2 (Tsumugi) 僕の妹は悩めるお年頃 2 つむぎちゃん jump-5026 JUMP world-av 2013-02-25
Osana Najimi ! - FUTARI no Kankei ga Kawaru Shunkan - OTOMIYA Arisa おさななじみっ!〜フタリの関係が変わる瞬間〜乙宮ありさ herr-024 HERO RED (HERO) 2013-04-13
Osana Najimi ! TAKIGAWA Kanon おさななじみっ!瀧川花音 herr-025 HERO RED (HERO) 2013-05-13
Sugao ga Kawaii Enkô Shôjo HOZUMI Yûri 素顔がかわいぃ援交少女 穂積ゆうり herx-022 HERO BLACK (HERO) 2013-02-13
Sugao ga Kawaii Enkô Shôjo KURIHARA Yun 素顔がかわいぃ援交少女 栗原ゆん herx-018 HERO BLACK (HERO) 2012-10-13
Sugao ga Kawaii Enkô Shôjo SATÔ Yuri 素顔がかわいぃ援交少女 沙藤ユリ herx-023 HERO BLACK (HERO) 2013-03-13
Sugao ga Kawaii Enkô Shôjo UEHARA Ai 素顔がかわいぃ援交少女 上原亜衣 herx-021 HERO BLACK (HERO) 2013-01-13
Sugao ga Kawaii Enkô Shôjo USAMI Nana 素顔がかわいぃ援交少女 宇佐美なな herx-019 HERO BLACK (HERO) 2012-11-13
Suppin Joshikôsei ga ERO i n desu ! - YARIppanashi no 4 Jikan ! ! - すっぴん女子校生がエロいんです!〜ヤリっぱなしの4時間!!〜 herx-028 HERO BLACK (HERO) 2013-08-13
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