Shô KÔTAI - 煌大翔

Shô KÔTAI - 煌大翔


this director is not yet in our database, only contents which he/she directed are listed here.

note: only directors working also as adult performer and who are Asian or from Asian origin will be added to our database.


DVD / VHS / Blu-ray / other physical storage formats

as director

9 movies in database for this film director
title original title code studio distributor date
Beautiful Wife's Incest Trip Arisa Minami 美妻近親相姦旅 南ありさ hnb-009r STAR PARADISE Kabi 2009-02-20
Father-in-law's Daughter Oppression Ichika Asagiri 義父の嫁虐り 朝霧一花 hnb-055 STAR PARADISE Kabi 2011-07-20
Father-in-law's Daughter Oppression Shihori Endo 義父の嫁虐り 艶堂しほり hnb-007 STAR PARADISE Kabi 2009-01-25
Please Rape My Wife. Ruri Hayami ウチの妻を犯してください。 早見るり hnb-041 STAR PARADISE Kabi 2010-05-20
Son's Wife's Colossal Tits Airi Ai 息子の嫁の爆乳 愛あいり hnb-033 STAR PARADISE Kabi 2009-12-20
The Beautiful and Bad Wife Chiyuki Makimoto 美しき悪妻 牧本千幸 hnb-028 STAR PARADISE Kabi 2009-10-20
The President's Wife's Shameful Pussy Juice Shihori Endo 社長夫人の恥汁 艶堂しほり hnb-026 STAR PARADISE Kabi 2009-09-20
The Widow And The Manager Yu Kawakami 未亡人と管理人 川上ゆう hnb-044 STAR PARADISE Kabi 2010-08-20
Young Stepmom's Shame Juice Yayoi Yanagida 若義母の恥汁 柳田やよい hnb-010r STAR PARADISE Kabi 2009-02-20
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