
this director is not yet in our database, only contents which he/she directed are listed here.

note: only directors working also as adult performer and who are Asian or from Asian origin will be added to our database.


DVD / VHS / Blu-ray / other physical storage formats

as director

6 movies in database for this film director
title original title code studio distributor date
A former fashion model gets her first anal fuck! And her butthole gets photographed heaps, so she can't go back to her previous industry! 元ファッションモデルが初めてのアナルファック!しかも肛門をバッチリ撮影されてしまってもう前の業界には戻れない! dasd-195 DAS! DAS! 2013-01-25
Compulsory Creampie Gang Rape Hikari 強制中出し輪姦 HIKARI dasd-202 DAS! DAS! 2013-02-25
Compulsory Creampie Gang Rape Yu Sakura 強制中出し輪姦 さくら悠 dasd-216 DAS! DAS! 2013-06-25
Instinctual Creampie Sex Honami Uehara 本能剥き出し生中出しセックス 上原保奈美 pla-032 DAS! Platina 2013-03-25
Instinctual Creampie Sex Yuka Minase 本能剥き出し生中出しセックス みなせ優夏 pla-033 DAS! Platina 2013-04-25
Ruri Harumiya is in a Coma So Fuck Her As Much As You Want! 成宮ルリを昏睡させてやりたい放題に犯す! dasd-221 DAS! DAS! 2013-08-25
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