
this director is not yet in our database, only contents which he/she directed are listed here.

note: only directors working also as adult performer and who are Asian or from Asian origin will be added to our database.


DVD / VHS / Blu-ray / other physical storage formats

as director

4 movies in database for this film director
title original title code studio distributor date
HIGH SCHOOL FUCK Marina Mayuzumi . Ran Kawai .Kei Uehara. Anri Fujimoto HIGH SCHOOL FUCK 黛まりな.河合らん.上原圭.藤本あんり hpd-061 IDEAPOCKET HIGH-SCHOOL Pink 2002-10-08
HIGH SCHOOL FUCK Natsuko Yokoyama Sho Koyama Chisato Toyama Saki Muto HIGH SCHOOL FUCK 横山奈津子 小山渉 遠山千里 武藤さき hpd-060 IDEAPOCKET HIGH-SCHOOL Pink 2002-09-08
HIGH SCHOOL FUCK Rina Usui Tsukushi Saotome Kanae Naito Izumi Hoshikawa HIGH SCHOOL FUCK 臼井利奈 早乙女つくし 内藤花苗 星川いずみ hpd-059 IDEAPOCKET HIGH-SCHOOL Pink 2002-08-08
HIGH SCHOOL FUCK Yui Kayama Kana Yamazaki Erika Odae Ryo Fujiwara HIGH SCHOOL FUCK 加山由衣 山崎華奈 織田エリカ 藤原りょう hpd-062 IDEAPOCKET HIGH-SCHOOL Pink 2002-11-08
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