Junsuke NANAMIYA - 七宮寿介

Junsuke NANAMIYA - 七宮寿介


this director is not yet in our database, only contents which he/she directed are listed here.

note: only directors working also as adult performer and who are Asian or from Asian origin will be added to our database.


DVD / VHS / Blu-ray / other physical storage formats

as director

7 movies in database for this film director
title original title code studio distributor date
Aisetsu Oyako MIDORIKAWA Azusa YAMAMOTO Maru 哀切母娘 緑川あずさ 山本まる juc-137 Madonna Madonna 2009-08-07
Ochite yuku Hitozuma Uwaki no Kairaku ni Oboreru Watashi YOKOYAMA Mirei 落ちてゆく人妻 浮気の快楽に溺れる私 横山みれい miad-487 Moodyz MOODYZ ACID 2010-12-13
Otto no inai Ma ni Semararete - Rusu-chû ni Netorareta Watashi - KOBAYASHI Ayaka 夫のいない間に迫られて-留守中に寝取られた私- 小林あやか miad-447 Moodyz MOODYZ ACID 2010-04-01
Punishing the Teacher's Wife Part.2 Ryoko Asamiya 置き屋に堕ちた恩師の妻 Part.2 朝宮涼子 knsd-13 Taiyôtosho KINEMA Roman 2009-04-17
Saikon Oyako TAKEI Yukari YAMAMOTO Maru 再婚母娘 竹井ゆかり 山本まる juc-022 Madonna Madonna 2009-02-07
Torture & Rape Women's Group VOL. 2 Shihori Endo 凌辱婦人会 VOL.2 艶堂しほり bwsd-33 Taiyôtosho Nyoninkô 2009-01-16
Zensai no Yawahada TACHIBANA Keiko 前妻の柔肌 橘慶子 juc-116 Madonna Madonna 2009-07-07
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