
this director is not yet in our database, only contents which he/she directed are listed here.

note: only directors working also as adult performer and who are Asian or from Asian origin will be added to our database.


DVD / VHS / Blu-ray / other physical storage formats

as director

20 movies in database for this film director
title original title code studio distributor date
Chubby Masochist Ayaka Abused by a Relentless Group of Masked Men TENGU番外編 超ぽっちゃり巨乳娘VS天狗軍団 マニア乳 彩香 VEGA FACTORY 2009-01-13
Colossal Tits Juicer Yuko Sagano 爆乳ジューサー 菅野ゆうこ VEGA FACTORY VEGA FACTORY 2011-08-25
Colossal Tits Sunrise Hikari Akira 爆乳サンライズ 旭ひかり VEGA FACTORY VEGA FACTORY 2010-03-25
GOKUSHO School Akiko Morikawa GOKUSHO School 盛川あきこ VEGA FACTORY 2009-06-13
Hair Doll Ayano ヘヤドル あやの VEGA FACTORY VEGA FACTORY 2009-12-25
Hair Doll Kaoru ヘヤドル かおる VEGA FACTORY VEGA FACTORY 2011-10-13
Hair Doll Kiyomi ヘヤドル きよみ VEGA FACTORY VEGA FACTORY 2010-03-25
Hair Doll Miku ヘヤドル みく VEGA FACTORY VEGA FACTORY 2010-08-25
Hair Doll Misa ヘヤドル みさ VEGA FACTORY VEGA FACTORY 2010-01-25
Hair Doll Saki ヘヤドル さき VEGA FACTORY VEGA FACTORY 2010-11-25
Hair Doll Sayaka ヘヤドル さやか VEGA FACTORY VEGA FACTORY 2010-07-13
Hair Doll Yui ヘヤドル ゆい VEGA FACTORY VEGA FACTORY 2011-03-25
Harura's Luxuriant Spring Smile Harura Mori Harura 爛漫、春色笑顔/森はるら rebd-101 GLADZ CORPORATION 2015-03-26
Oshiri no Aru Fûkei 4 お尻のある風景4 pjd-030 PREMIUM Jewel 2012-06-07
Real Venus Akiko Morikawa Real Venus 盛川あきこ VEGA FACTORY VEGA FACTORY 2010-05-13
Real Venus Asuka Masumi Real Venus 真澄あさか VEGA FACTORY VEGA FACTORY 2010-02-25
Real Venus Miku Hasegawa Real Venus 長谷川ミク VEGA FACTORY 2009-04-25
Real Venus Nana Yoshino Real Venus 吉野奈々 VEGA FACTORY VEGA FACTORY 2010-11-25
Real Venus Yo Aizawa Real Venus 藍沢よう VEGA FACTORY 2010-08-25
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