
this director is not yet in our database, only contents which he/she directed are listed here.

note: only directors working also as adult performer and who are Asian or from Asian origin will be added to our database.


DVD / VHS / Blu-ray / other physical storage formats

as director

10 movies in database for this film director
title original title code studio distributor date
BAKOBAKO Gekijô SPECIAL Aoba バコバコ劇場 SPECIAL あおば miid-188 Moodyz MOODYZ ISM 2006-07-13
Bokura no Imadoki Fûzoku LIFE 3 Aoringo 僕らのいまどき風俗ライフ3 あおりんご miid-104 Moodyz MOODYZ ISM 2006-03-01
GRASSY PUSSY グラッシープッシー miid-178 Moodyz MOODYZ ISM 2006-07-01
HARD PLAY DEBUT SATÔ Rika ハードプレイデビュー 佐藤リカ miid-134 Moodyz MOODYZ ISM 2006-04-13
Joshikôsei Enkô Shimai 女子校生援交姉妹 miid-140 Moodyz MOODYZ ISM 2006-04-13
Kyôei Mizugi no Onna-tachi 競泳水着の女達 miid-189 Moodyz MOODYZ ISM 2006-07-13
MOODYZ BEST HIT 16 Jikan ¥2.980 Kanzen Uresuji Shinsaku 11 TITLE MOODYZ BEST HIT 16時間¥2.980 完全売れ筋新作11タイトル miad-226 Moodyz MOODYZ ACID 2006-11-13
OFFICE Chikan オフィス痴漢 miid-177 Moodyz MOODYZ ISM 2006-07-01
PANTYHOSE no Nioi SUZUKI Anri パンストの匂い 鈴木杏里 miid-172 Moodyz MOODYZ ISM 2006-07-01
TRIPLE Chijo DX トリプル痴女DX miid-141 Moodyz MOODYZ ISM 2006-04-13
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