Chin TACHIBANA - 立花ちん

Chin TACHIBANA - 立花ちん


this director is not yet in our database, only contents which he/she directed are listed here.

note: only directors working also as adult performer and who are Asian or from Asian origin will be added to our database.


DVD / VHS / Blu-ray / other physical storage formats

as director

8 movies in database for this film director
title original title code studio distributor date
Character Breaking Rape Maria Hirai [人格破壊レイプ] 平井まりあ atid-015 ATTACKERS in mad 2004-05-08
Character Breaking Rape Ringo Kihara [人格破壊レイプ] 木原りんご atid-022 ATTACKERS in mad 2004-07-08
Dokkiri RAPE Ijime Wana ni Kakatta Onna-tachi どっきり レイプ いじめ 罠にかかった女たち mdpd-113 Moodyz MOODYZ PRESIDENT 2003-01-22
LOLITA Gaikokujin Rankô 2 ロ●ータ外国人乱交2 mdjd-018 Moodyz MOODYZ Joker 2003-04-15
LOLITA Gaikokujin Rankô TAKEUCHI Nana ANZAI Shizuku NAGASE Yui ロ●ータ外国人乱交 竹内奈々 安西雫 長瀬ゆい mdjd-010 Moodyz MOODYZ Joker 2003-03-01
LOLITA NURSE ANAL x RAPE Byôtô ロ●ータナースアナル×レイプ病棟 mdjd-048 Moodyz MOODYZ Joker 2003-09-15
Oyako de ANAL Nakadashi FUCK ! 母娘でアナル中出しFUCK! mdjd-065 Moodyz MOODYZ Joker 2003-12-15
Zenra Kankin PROJECT 2 Jason Gakuen - ABNORMAL SEMINAR - 全裸監禁プロジェクト2 ジェイソン学園〜アブノーマルセミナー〜 mdpd-091 Moodyz MOODYZ PRESIDENT 2002-08-15
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