
this director is not yet in our database, only contents which he/she directed are listed here.

note: only directors working also as adult performer and who are Asian or from Asian origin will be added to our database.


DVD / VHS / Blu-ray / other physical storage formats

as director

6 movies in database for this film director
title original title code studio distributor date
Joshikôsei Kôzen RAPE Kyôdan no Mae de Okasarete ÔHASHI Miku 女子校生公然レイプ 教壇の前で犯されて 大橋未久 midd-357 Moodyz MOODYZ DIVA 2008-02-01
Kinshin Sôkan PARADISE Aru Hi Totsuzen, BOKU ni Bikyonyû Shimai ga Dekitara TAKEUCHI Ai 近親相姦パラダイス ある日突然、ボクに美巨乳姉妹ができたら 竹内あい midd-394 Moodyz MOODYZ DIVA 2008-07-01
Kokujin IRRUMATIO FUCK HANAMIYA Ami 黒人イラマチオFUCK 花宮あみ migd-029 Moodyz MOODYZ Gati 2007-08-01
Kokujin to SEX KAWAI Kana 黒人とセックス 川愛加奈 migd-037 Moodyz MOODYZ Gati 2007-08-13
Kokujin to SEX SUZUKI Asuka 黒人とセックス 鈴木明日香 migd-133 Moodyz MOODYZ Gati 2008-05-01
PAIPAN AIZAWA Momo パイパン 相沢桃 migd-079 Moodyz MOODYZ Gati 2007-12-01
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