Akira TAKASU - 鷹洲旭

Akira TAKASU - 鷹洲旭


this director is not yet in our database, only contents which he/she directed are listed here.

note: only directors working also as adult performer and who are Asian or from Asian origin will be added to our database.


DVD / VHS / Blu-ray / other physical storage formats

as director

10 movies in database for this film director
title original title code studio distributor date
Continuous Climax Cumming FUCK Nao Yoshizaki 連続絶頂イカせFUCK 吉崎直緒 xv-612 MAX-A Calen 2007-12-28
Cum Inside! Sarasa Hara 中に出してね 原更紗 xv-602 MAX-A Calen 2007-11-23
Hellish Sex Takako Kitahara 鬼畜 北原多香子 xv-637 MAX-A Calen 2008-03-28
Ok, I'll Do a Creampie! Nagisa 一度限りの中出し…解禁!! 渚 xv-590 MAX-A Calen 2007-10-12
Ok, I'll Do Anal! Akane Nagase 一度限りのアナルFuck…解禁!! 長瀬茜 xv-620 MAX-A Calen 2008-01-25
Renzoku Zecchô Ikase FUCK AYANE Rika 連続絶頂イカせFUCK 彩音リカ 60srxv649 MAX-A MAX-A 2008-04-11
Rough Sex Rio 鬼畜 Rio xv-616 MAX-A Calen 2008-01-11
Uniform Hunting Nao Yoshizaki 制服狩り 吉崎直緒 xv-630 MAX-A Calen 2008-02-22
Welcome to Black Max Cafe! Natsuki Ijima Black Max Cafeへようこそ! 飯島夏希 sbmx-007 MAX-A BLACK MAX 2007-12-28
Whispering Leaves: Jade Takako Kitahara 阿葉擦れ Jade 北原多香子 xv-559 MAX-A Calen 2007-07-27
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