Minoru HISAMICHI - 久道実

Minoru HISAMICHI - 久道実 - male pornstar also known as: HISAMICHI - ヒサミチ, Takuma WATANABE - 渡辺琢磨


this male pornstar is not yet in our database, only contents in which he appears are listed here.

note: only Asian pornstars or from Asian origin will be added to our database.

also known as:

  • HISAMICHI - ヒサミチ
  • Takuma WATANABE - 渡辺琢磨

photo galleries

this male pornstar does not appear in any photo gallery.



DVD / VHS / Blu-ray / other physical storage formats

as performer

no movie in database for this male pornstar


web scenes / web galleries / videos on demand

as performer

5 web contents in database for this male pornstar
title original title code network website date
Caribbeancom Tours part2 :: Mitsuki Hikaru Ayami Mitsuka Koizumi Chiharu カリビアンツアーズ 後編 美月 綾見ひかる 小泉ミツカ ちはる 061113-358 DREAMROOM PRODUCTIONS caribbeancom 2013-06-11
Dansei Tengoku GIRLS BAR Kôhen SAKURAI Yuri IIDA Seiko SHIMIZU Yukie MORINO Hinano KOSAKI Mio 飯田せいこ 清水ゆきえ 森野ひなの 小咲みお 男性天国 ガールズバー 後編 櫻井ゆり 021313-263 DREAMROOM PRODUCTIONS caribbeancom 2013-02-13
Naughty House keeper :: Sayaka Nanairo 料理代行サービス 七色さやか 012313-245 DREAMROOM PRODUCTIONS caribbeancom 2013-01-23
Oni IKI TRANCE 13 :: Tuna Kimura 鬼イキトランス13::木村つな 031815-830 DREAMROOM PRODUCTIONS caribbeancom 2015-03-18
Sensei no Kyôiku Hôshin wa, Ashi Koki desu Ni Jikan Me :: Misato Sakurai 先生の教育方針は、足コキです 二時間目::桜井美里 110112_462 DREAMROOM PRODUCTIONS 1pondo 2012-11-01
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