Yui SUGISAWA - 杉沢ゆい

this female pornstar is not yet in our database, only contents in which she appears are listed here.
note: only Asian pornstars or from Asian origin will be added to our database.
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DVD / VHS / Blu-ray / other physical storage formats
as performer
no movie in database for this female pornstarwebography
web scenes / web galleries / videos on demand
as performer
one web content in database for this female pornstartitle | original title | code | network | website | date |
T-1 GRAND PRIX HIROSUE Nao, KANÔ Yukari, KUSUNOKI Sayaka, SUGISAWA Yui, YUZUKI Riho | T-1グランプリ 広末奈緒、叶結香里、楠木さやか、杉沢ゆい、由月理帆 | 030106-099 | DREAMROOM PRODUCTIONS | caribbeancom | 2006-03-01 |