Chisaki AIHARA - 愛原千咲

Chisaki AIHARA - 愛原千咲 - female pornstar


birthdate: December 06, 1982

birthplace: Japan, Chiba prefecture

astrological sign: Sagittarius

measurements: JP B78-W56-H80 (US B31-W22-H31)

cup size: unknown

height: 155 cm (= 5'1")

blood type: B

photo galleries

this female pornstar does not appear in any photo gallery.



DVD / VHS / Blu-ray / other physical storage formats

as performer

recommended movies starring this pornstar
Camel Toe Chisaki Aihara - メコスジ/愛原千咲 [tmax-0047]

Camel Toe Chisaki Aihara





Miracle Duo - The Agony Of Beautiful Japanese Girls - - ミラクル◆デュオ 〜日本的美少女たちの悩み〜 [1sd340]

Miracle Duo - The Agony Of Beautiful Japanese Girls -

ミラクル◆デュオ 〜日本的美少女たちの悩み〜



SOD create

full filmography

2 movies in database for this female pornstar

title original title code studio distributor date
Camel Toe Chisaki Aihara メコスジ/愛原千咲 tmax-0047 E-NET FRONTIER E-NET FRONTIER 2005-08-26
Miracle Duo - The Agony Of Beautiful Japanese Girls - ミラクル◆デュオ 〜日本的美少女たちの悩み〜 1sd340 SOD create SOFT ON DEMAND 2003-10-18


web scenes / web galleries / videos on demand

as performer

6 web contents in database for this female pornstar
title original title code network website date
Chisaki no COSPLAY MANIA AIHARA Chisaki 千咲のコスプレマニア 愛原千咲 012506-071 DREAMROOM PRODUCTIONS caribbeancom 2006-01-25
COSPLAY COLLECTOR :: Chisaki Aihara コスプレコレクター::愛原千咲 041506_864 DREAMROOM PRODUCTIONS 1pondo 2006-04-15
Kinbaku - Ryôjoku Bijin :: Chisaki Aihara 緊縛・陵辱美人::愛原千咲 060606_895 DREAMROOM PRODUCTIONS 1pondo 2006-06-06
Moe BUS GUIDE VS HELICOPTER MAN AIHARA Chisaki 萌えバスガイドVSヘリコプターマン 愛原千咲 121705-037 DREAMROOM PRODUCTIONS caribbeancom 2005-12-17
Okashi-kei Dorei AIHARA Chiaki お菓子系奴隷 愛原千咲 040906-130 DREAMROOM PRODUCTIONS caribbeancom 2006-04-09
Satsukibyô no Tokkôyaku Môsô Ryokô :: Chisaki Aihara 五月病の特効薬・妄想旅行::愛原千咲 051206_880 DREAMROOM PRODUCTIONS 1pondo 2006-05-12
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