[gigl-308] When Families Have No Father, And The Mother's Sacrificed Everything - Fashion, Boyfriends - To Raise Her Child Alone, Roughly 1 in 3 Will Lose Their Minds With Pent Up Lust At Some Point At The Horniest Part Of Their Cycle And Passionately Kiss And Fuck Their Own Sons - They Can't Refuse! 2
original title: 母子家庭で恋もオシャレも諦めた母からの溺愛を一身に受けて育った男子の約3割は、生理前に理性を失った母親から恋人同士のように激しい接吻&密着セックスを求められても拒めない 2
category: japanese porn movie / AV
studio: GIGOLO (GIGOLO) - GIGOLO (ジゴロ)
distributor: GIGOLO
release date: June 24, 2016
DVD product code: gigl-308
DMM content id: h_860gigl308
DMM physical product code: h_860gigl308
DMM / R18 digital product code: h_860gigl00308
director: unknown
female cast
male cast
no known male cast for this movie.
photo galleries
no photo galleries for this movie.