[ap-043] The most powerful of all drugs! I found aphrodisiacs, sleeping pills and anesthetics in my cabinets and secretly mixed everything with tea. I call over my neat and clean housekeeper and have her drink the mixture. She gets really high on this! She's flying! She changes into a completely different girl; she becomes a crazy nympho and things really get out of hand!

The most powerful of all drugs! I found aphrodisiacs, sleeping pills and anesthetics in my cabinets and secretly mixed everything with tea. I call over my neat and clean housekeeper and have her drink the mixture. She gets really high on this! She's flying! She changes into a completely different girl; she becomes a crazy nympho and things really get out of hand! - 劇薬全部盛り! 清楚な家政婦さんを自宅に呼んで媚薬・眠剤・淫薬・しびれ薬・お酒の全部をこっそりお茶に混ぜて飲ませたら、足が天に昇るほどのシャチホコ反りで絶頂!&大量失禁!ビックリするぐらい手が付けられなくなるほどのド淫乱女に豹変! [ap-043]


original title: 劇薬全部盛り! 清楚な家政婦さんを自宅に呼んで媚薬・眠剤・淫薬・しびれ薬・お酒の全部をこっそりお茶に混ぜて飲ませたら、足が天に昇るほどのシャチホコ反りで絶頂!&大量失禁!ビックリするぐらい手が付けられなくなるほどのド淫乱女に豹変!

category: japanese porn movie / AV



release date:


DVD product code: ap-043

DMM content id: h_701ap043

DMM physical product code: h_701ap043

DMM / R18 digital product code: 1ap00043


tags: 4-hours+ movies drugs lewdness / hard project

trailer / sample

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no known female cast for this movie.

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no known male cast for this movie.

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