[sdmu-294] SOD Female (Prospective) Employees We Went To Watch Training Night For The Newly Hired Female Employees For 2016 These Girls Still Have Their Innocence But Their Abundant Erotic Desires Make Them Potential Superstars These Candidates(Still Normal Girls At This Point) Take Their Training Seriously At Night, They Experiment With Our Products By Engaging In Masturbation, And Then Start Research Into Orgasms, And Finally Sex!?
original title: SOD女子社員(未満) 2016年度入社予定 女子内定者研修の夜をこっそりウォッチング 初心ながらも入社前からエロへの探求心に溢れる将来有望な内定者(まだ一般女子)は真面目に研修を受け 夜、自室で商材研究の為にオナニー 更にオーガズム研究没頭SEXまで?!
category: japanese porn movie / AV
studio: SOD create - SODクリエイト
distributor: SOD Joshi Shain - SOD女子社員
release date: January 21, 2016
DVD product code: sdmu-294
DMM content id: 1sdmu294
DMM physical product code: 1sdmu294
DMM / R18 digital product code: 1sdmu00294
director: Masahiro KASAHARA - 笠原正弘
series: SOD Joshi Shain - SOD女子社員
trailer / sample
female cast
no known female cast for this movie.
male cast
no known male cast for this movie.
photo galleries
no photo galleries for this movie.