[mond-050] My Beautiful Superior And I Encountered An Enormous Typhoon And We Had To Stay The Night Somewhere... Reiko Kobayakawa
original title: 憧れの女上司とふたりで地方出張に行ったら台風で帰りの新幹線が運休のため急遽現地で一泊する事になりました 小早川怜子
category: japanese porn movie / AV
studio: TAKARA VISUAL - タカラ映像
distributor: Dai Ichi Hôsô - 第一放送
release date: August 27, 2015
DVD product code: mond-050
DMM content id: 18mond050
DMM physical product code: 18mond050
DMM / R18 digital product code: 18mond00050
director: Hyon - ひょん
trailer / sample
female cast
male cast
no known male cast for this movie.
photo galleries
no photo galleries for this movie.