[hunt-750] I Have Never Held A Girl's Hand In My Entire Life. During A Folk Dance Practice, My Dance Partner Grabbed My Hand And That Was More Than I Needed To Get An Erection. I Was Going To Apologize But She Didn't Seem To Be Mad At Me, On The Contrary, She Seemed To Like The Erotic Mood Of The Scene...
original title: 生まれてから一度も女の子と手をつないだ事のない根暗な僕が、フォークダンスの練習で憧れの女子と初めて手をつないだら思わず勃起。ヤバいと思いひたすら謝ったら、意外にも怒っておらず、それどころか僕の勃起チ○ポが気になっていたようで、なんかエッチな雰囲気に…。
category: japanese porn movie / AV
studio: Hunter
distributor: Hunter (SOFT ON DEMAND) - Hunter (ソフトオンデマンド)
release date: September 19, 2013
DVD product code: hunt-750
DMM content id: 1hunt750
DMM physical product code: 1hunt750
DMM / R18 digital product code: 1hunt00750
director: KUNIOKA - クニオカ
trailer / sample
female cast
no known female cast for this movie.
male cast
no known male cast for this movie.
photo galleries
no photo galleries for this movie.