[hunta-265] A Bully Suggested That I Become Invisible, Like Air Nobody Wants This To Happen To Them, But I Have No One To Talk To No One Will Even Acknowledge Me So Even If I Leave My Seat For Just A Few Minutes, When I Get Back, Some Girl Is Sitting There Already ʺUm, That's My Seat...ʺ But Nothing I Say Does Any Good...
original title: いじめっこの提案でボクは空気になった。みんな自分がそうなりたくないから、ボクに話しかける人は誰もいない。ボクの存在を認識する人は誰もいない。だからちょっと席を離れただけで、ボクの机の上には女子が座っており「あの、そこボクの席なんですけど…」と言っても無…
category: japanese porn movie / AV
studio: Hunter
distributor: Hunter (HHH GROUP) - Hunter (HHHグループ)
release date: February 19, 2017
DVD product code: hunta-265
DMM content id: hunta265
DMM physical product code: hunta265
DMM / R18 digital product code: hunta00265
director: unknown
trailer / sample
female cast
no known female cast for this movie.
male cast
no known male cast for this movie.
photo galleries
no photo galleries for this movie.