Daikichi AMANO - 天野大吉

Daikichi AMANO - 天野大吉


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141 films référencés pour ce réalisateur / cette réalisatrice
titre titre original code studio distributeur date
A Concert Of Throat-Crushing Tears and Cries 喉を潰し涙と嗚咽の協奏曲 七瀬愛梨 Genki KUBISHIME 2015-01-15
A Dark Past, Long Tongue and Cough 暗い過去と長い舌出しと咳 小西麻衣 Genki KUBISHIME 2015-01-15
A Faint Scar On The Neck Of A Girl Who Cries As She's Strangled Anja Himeno 絞め泣喚く頸筋に薄紅い傷痕 姫乃杏樹 Genki TENKI 2015-07-14
A Real Masochistic Girl Mutters Silently ʺPlease Strangle me Moreʺ 真性M女は静かに呟く、もっと絞めて下さい Genki KUBISHIME 2013-01-09
A Relentless Throat, Beaten Down From Mischief and Loneliness Miki Morimoto 悪戯と孤独に嘆き咽喉に執拗 森本美貴 Genki TENKI 2015-12-08
A Rough Dead World and The Limits of Strength Chihiro Ariga 手加減は無い屍界と握力限界 有賀知弥 Genki TENKI 2015-12-08
A Sweet Gasp and Sigh From This Woman's Throat 咽頭から漏れる甘い吐息と呼吸制御 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-02-18
A Throat That Aches With The Memory Of Creaking Leather Gloves Mahiru Hinata 皮手袋に軋み遮断と記憶の喉 日向まひる Genki TENKI 2016-03-28
About to Lose Consciousness! Masochistic Actress Fears Nothing 失神直前!怖いもの知らずの究極どエム女優 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-12
Activity Report of Sexy Athletic Strangling Club 体育会系美首クラブの活動日誌 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-15
Actress: Rin Nonomiya Compilation of Secret Room Strangulations 女優:野々宮りん 密室首絞め事件篇 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-19
After School, Some Old Guy I Don't Know Grabbed my Throat... 放課後、知らない叔父様が私の首を Genki KUBISHIME 2012-11-28
Always Erected Doctor Kuni's Medical Strangulation Certificate 常に勃起ing Dr.クニの首絞め診断書 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-01-07
Beautiful Blue Veins Appear on Her Neck その首の奇麗な血管が蒼く浮き Genki KUBISHIME 2012-10-25
Beautiful Female Student Chokes And Faint From Agony 白目むき出し窒息びじょびじょ女学生 永井涼香 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-22
Beautiful Girl's Uniform Ripping And Neck Strangling Confinement Anri Kawai 切り裂き制服美女と監禁首絞め 河合杏里 Genki KUBISHIME 2014-02-01
Beautiful Neck Let's Strangle Strangling Kuni's Big Uproar 美女首Let’s絞め絞めクニちゃん大暴走 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-02-18
Beautiful Neck's Strangulation Goes to The Limit Over and Over Again 限界を繰り返し彷徨う美首の鬱血絞め Genki KUBISHIME 2013-02-18
Beautiful Sister's Strangulation Survival, I'm Alive 美人姉妹首絞めサバイバル、私生きる Genki KUBISHIME 2013-02-18
Carressing That Makes Her Throat Dry and Strangling Lust 喉が涸れ弄る愛撫と絞め欲情 滝沢あんな Genki KUBISHIME 2015-01-15
Choke Her 'Til She Dribbles 涎を巻散らし死ぬほどに、気持ち良い首絞め Genki KUBISHIME 2013-01-09
Choked Until She Coughs And Shudders Asami Yukino 儚き血脈と圧迫に咽び咳込み 雪乃あさ美 Genki TENKI 2016-03-28
Choked Until She Spasms And Her Eyes Bulge Saki 白濁し裏返り眼球に疼き痙攣 沙希 Genki TENKI 2016-03-28
Choked Upside-Down and Passed Out 意識が飛んだ逆さ首絞め 紺野みゆ Genki KUBISHIME 2014-07-26
Choking Body Remodeling Of A Muscular Girl 筋肉女の首絞め肉体改造 横山翔子 Genki KUBISHIME 2014-07-26
Choking Girl Drooling All Over With Blood Injected Eyes 大量の涎を垂らし白眼の充血 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-05-15
Choking Out Her Painful Breaths 絞り尽くす苦しげな呼吸音 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-10-10
Confinement Extracurricular Class: Strangled, Teased & Satisfied 監禁課外授業、絞められ嬲られ弄ばれ Genki KUBISHIME 2013-01-07
Countless Swooning And Swollen Faces 幾度も気絶と顔面の腫れ具合 桜沢ちなみ Genki KUBISHIME 2014-07-26
Crimson Marks From Strangulation - Toys & Trembling 紅い絞め痕と散乱の道具と痙攣 桃井ゆず Genki KUBISHIME 2014-10-27
Dead Wood Kuni & Female Superior's Strangle Showdown 怒りの窓際族クニちゃん女上司と首絞め対決 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-01-11
Deadbeat Man Loves & Strangled for Real Haruka ダメ男が、恋をして、本気で絞めた橘春 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-14
Debt Collector Comes and the Woman Cries in Apology While Being Strangled マジ謝り借金取りに首絞め返済 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-05-15
Dripping Tears And Drool Down Her Uniform 制服姿に涎と涙を垂れ流し 後藤ゆりか Genki KUBISHIME 2014-07-26
Drool-Dripping Uniformed Babe Gets Hung And Drowned 涎だらだら制服首吊り潜水責め 岡野美奈 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-22
Endless Pleasure & Swooning In Despair Arisu Mizuno 止め処なき快楽と絶望に失心 水野ありす Genki Tenki 2015-04-22
Erotic Asphyxiation Growl Sayaka Honami 喉頭の唸り声と喘ぎ声の狭間に 穂波さやか Genki KUBISHIME 2014-02-01
Fabled Strangulation Ash Apartment 首絞め廃墟マンションの噂 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-05-10
Face Pale From Chain-Choked Arteries Saya Kono 絞め動脈の連鎖に顔面と蒼白 今野さーや Genki Tenki 2015-04-22
Fair-Skinned Married Woman's Throat Destroyed As She Hacks And Coughs Reiko Nakamori 人妻の柔肌に刻み喉頭と咳嗽 中森玲子 Genki Tenki 2015-04-22
Fear & Hardship, Obscure Muddy Conscience 恐怖と苦しさ、朦朧とした意識の混濁 Genki KUBISHIME 2012-10-25
Fluttering Eyelashes And Lost Memories - Choked Until Their Blood Supply Is Cut Off 瞼が痙攣と記憶喪失に浮かぶ血管 睦美杏奈 Genki KUBISHIME 2014-07-26
Fluttering Eyelids And Faltering Breaths 弛緩した眼窩に消え逝く息吹 宮地奈々 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-26
Fresh Face Actress Deceived & Strangled on Camera 新人女優を騙して首絞め撮影 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-10-10
Friendship & Envy Confuses Girl-Girl Strangulation Love 友情と嫉妬、乱れる女と女の絞め愛 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-02-18
Frightened By Faint Breathing and Hazy Consciousness Ayaka Minami 淡い呼吸と朦朧の意識に怯え 南あやか Genki TENKI 2015-12-08
Group Prayer The Tip And Hope Of The Adam's Apple 集団で拝む喉仏の尖りと欲望 中居真希 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-26
Group Strangulation, They Get Wet When They're Assaulted Yuna Wakatsuki 集団首絞め、乱暴されたら濡れちゃう 若月ゆうな Genki KUBISHIME 2014-02-01
Grubby Men's Hardcore Strangling 薄汚い野郎達のガチ首絞め Genki KUBISHIME 2013-05-15
Her Deadly Look As Seen by Glasses メガネが視ていた彼女の死相 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-12
Her Face Might Be Childish But If You Turn Her On This Voluptuous Babe Goes Wild Nonoka Anzu 顔は童顔、弄れば淫乱なムチムチ娘 杏ののか Genki KUBISHIME 2014-02-01
Her Horny Desire To Get Strangled Makes Her Pussy Wet 裏腹の貪欲な絞られ願望は股間を濡らす Genki KUBISHIME 2013-05-15
Her Lips Choked and Turning Blue and the Veins Trembling 鬱血した唇の蒼さと震える血管 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-05-10
Her Throat Quivers And She Gags As She Shoves It In Her Mouth 喉頭に震え幼き娘と餌付けと窒息 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-01-11
Hey, Let's Strangle a Princess ほれほれ、お嬢さん絞めましょう Genki KUBISHIME 2012-10-25
Hookers Strangled Until They Drool 首絞め涎が滴り鬱血な風俗嬢 Genki KUBISHIME 2012-10-25
How To Strangle The Correct Way 首絞めの正しい実践方法 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-01-09
Hung & Strangled - Crushed Throats 首を吊り上げ絞め喉仏を潰す 朝倉みき Genki KUBISHIME 2014-10-27
I Can't Take Your Beautiful Neck Anymore 俺もう我慢できねぇお前の癒し頚 Genki KUBISHIME 2012-10-25
I Seriously Strangled A Self-Styled Autoerotic Asphyxiation Loving Mysterious Woman, Starring Miku Himeno. 自称首絞め好き不思議女に本気絞め 姫乃未来 Genki KUBISHIME 2014-02-01
I Will Not Lose, Choking as if Dying 私は負けない、死ぬ気で首絞め Genki KUBISHIME 2012-11-30
I'm Sorry I Passed Out 意識が遠のいてゴメンなさい Genki KUBISHIME 2013-10-10
It'll All End in Pain, Tears, and Sulking 痛いと号泣と不貞腐れた結末 浅野莉奈 Genki KUBISHIME 2014-07-26
Kuni VS Actress: Rin Nonomiya - Obsessive Compilation クニちゃんvs女優:野々宮りん こだわり篇 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-19
Kuni VS Actress: Rin Nonomiya Group Assault Compilation クニちゃんvs女優:野々宮りん 集団暴行篇 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-19
Little Lolita In Uniform Keeps Fainting And Zoning Out Hikaru Aoyama 繰り返す失神と放心のロリ制服娘 青山ひかる Genki KUBISHIME 2014-02-01
Maniac's Treasure Collection あるマニアの大切な宝物コレクション映像 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-15
Mature Woman Adultery - Kyoko's First Strangling Experience Report 不倫熟女・響子の首絞め初体験日記 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-14
Mature Woman Twitches So Much Her Blood Vessels Are About To Burst ピクピク痙攣の血管破裂寸前の熟女 Genki KUBISHIME 2012-11-24
Medical Examination, Kidnap, Confinement And Strangulation 診察と拉致監禁と首絞め Genki KUBISHIME 2012-10-25
Merciless Violence And Hard Strangling 容赦無い暴行と渾身の首絞め Genki KUBISHIME 2014-07-26
Naked Prisoner Realizes Her Utter Failure Kana Igawa 剥き出し失落と覚醒の虜囚が 井川かな Genki Tenki 2015-04-22
Near Death: Closed Blood Vessels and Breathing 絶命寸前、閉ざされた血管と呼吸 小林かすみ Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-26
Neck Sunken in Leather Gloves & Squeaks in the Darkness 革手袋に沈む細い首と軋む闇 Genki KUBISHIME 2012-11-24
Nurse Angry About Sexual Harassment on Her Neck 首セクハラにブチ切れた看護師 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-10-10
One Imprisoned Mature Woman Blossomed in Hard Environment 囚われ熟女の苦界に咲いた花一輪 Genki KUBISHIME 2012-11-30
Out of Luck Kuni's Last Rough Sex Strangulation 悪運尽きたクニちゃん最後の鬼畜首絞め Genki KUBISHIME 2013-05-16
Outstanding White of the Eyes & Congested Callipari 素晴らしき白眼と充血した毛細血管 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-01-09
Pinned Babe's Face Twisted With Agonized Pleasure 羽交い絞めに歪む幼顔と悶絶 桧山栞 Genki KUBISHIME 2014-07-26
Pissing Perverts Saki Otsuka 放尿痴女 大塚咲 hnc-005 AVS collector’s AVS 2009-03-01
Playing With a Snake and Going Back and Forth From Hell to Paradise Mai Yamada 蛇に戯れ地獄と楽園の逝き来 山田真衣 Genki TENKI 2015-12-08
Pleasure With an Instinctive Gal Out of This World 本能ギャルと異世界の快楽 葉月里彩 Genki KUBISHIME 2015-01-15
Poor Clothing Store Employee's First Strangulation Challenge Miho Osawa 貧乏アパレル店員の首絞め初挑戦 大沢美穂 Genki KUBISHIME 2014-02-01
Public Bath After Hours, Crooked Trademen's Strangling Club 時間外の銭湯、悪徳業者の絞め絞め団 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-01-11
Pure Masochistic Girl's Hot Strangle Plays 生粋のエム女の首絞め遊戯 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-05-15
Put A Little Pressure On Her Neck And Her Pussy Starts Gushing 首の圧迫と股から大量の愛液 叶夢 Genki KUBISHIME 2014-10-27
Real Strangulation & Breaking In お願いの本気の絞めと調教と 有賀知弥 Genki KUBISHIME 2015-01-15
Revived Kuni Sells Her Soul to Strangling Witch 復活のクニちゃん首絞めの悪魔に魂を売る Genki KUBISHIME 2013-05-15
Rolling Your Eyes Is A Sign Of Danger 白眼を剥いたら危険の証 仙道春奈 Genki KUBISHIME 2014-07-26
Runaway Daughter Delicacy & Neck Hanging 家出娘の華奢と首つり Genki KUBISHIME 2012-11-20
Screams And Tears From Her Pulsating And Undulating Neck Rina 脈動と波打つ喉首の嗚咽と涙 Genki TENKI 2015-12-08
Shameful Conduct: Last Moments of Agony & Pain 苦しみ悶える断末魔の醜態 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-10-10
She Drools And Goes Limp While Her Eyes Roll Back, Sobbing 白目を剥き嗚咽に混じる涎と脱力 西岡まき Genki KUBISHIME 2014-10-27
She Won't Meet Your Gaze As Her Face Turns Violet 視点が合わない変色した紫な顔色 Genki KUBISHIME 2014-10-27
Shocking! Robber Kuni, Beautiful Leotards Hunt 突撃!強盗クニちゃん、レオタード美女狩り Genki KUBISHIME 2013-02-18
Smothering Lesbian Kisses Make Her Wet レズ接吻で呼吸を奪い絞れる 朝倉奈々子 Genki KUBISHIME 2015-01-15
So Many Toys Used To Perfection Make Her Swoon 数々の道具を駆使した目標は失神 星野さら Genki KUBISHIME 2014-10-27
Strangle, Strangle, Strangle, Strangle. 絞める、緩める、絞める、絞める。 Genki KUBISHIME 2012-10-25
Strangled Actress' Whole Body Twitches 首絞め全身痙攣ビクビクな女優 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-10-10
Strangled So Hard Her Face Swells And She Swoons 絞め過ぎて顔面膨張と昇天 桜庭彩 Genki KUBISHIME 2014-07-26
Strangling A Sensitive Girl With A Shady Past Nana Mayumi 暗い過去を持つ敏感な女を首絞め 真弓ナナ Genki KUBISHIME 2014-02-01
Strangling a Twitching Hot Nurse 淫乱看護士のピクピク痙攣絞め Genki KUBISHIME 2012-11-20
Strangling Goddess' Second Coming and Retirement 首絞めの女神再び降臨と引退 橘春 Genki KUBISHIME 2015-01-15
Strangling Innocent Necks As Much As You Want 純情の首を好き放題に強く絞め 葉月みお Genki KUBISHIME 2015-01-15
Strangulation Maniac Club's Persistent Strangulation Style 首絞めマニア集団の執拗な絞め手 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-10-10
Strangulation of Yuka Osawa, Who Used to Be Cute あの頃は可愛かった大沢佑香の首絞め Genki KUBISHIME 2012-10-25
Suffocated Until Her Blood Vessels Swell Up In Agony Izumi Suzunaka 膨張に呻き血管と窒息の嘆き 鈴仲いずみ Genki TENKI 2016-03-28
Supple Neck Offered As A Sacrifice To Sadistic Throttling Rio Nagasawa 嗜虐の生贄に咳き込み柔首に 長澤りお Genki Tenki 2015-04-22
Swollen, Flexible Veins Give Her Blissful Pleasure 膨れ上がる青筋の弾力と至福の時間 天宮りょう Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-26
Tabby's Suffocation Strangling Royal 牝猫たちの窒息クビシメロワイヤル Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-12
Tearful Pouty Rejection ご機嫌ななめ拒絶の涙と喉頭 乙音るい Genki KUBISHIME 2014-10-27
Tears Spilled Across The Tatami - The Final Strangling Rough Sex 床に涙が溜まる最後の鬼畜絞め 夢野ももか Genki KUBISHIME 2014-10-27
Terror Of The Strangulation Club - On The Verge Of Trauma 絞め絞め団による恐怖とトラウマ寸前 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-02-18
The Abnormal Fetish And Devils Go Wild Rika Ando 異常性癖と悪魔達が乱暴狼藉 安藤リカ Genki TENKI 2015-07-14
The Anguished Expressions Of A Bound Babe 麻紐が絞まる方向に苦悶の表情 高嶋ゆきな Genki KUBISHIME 2014-10-27
The Breathing Seal, Claw Marks On The Pharynx And Coughing Nero Ijima 息衝く封印に咽頭の爪痕と咳 飯島ねいろ Genki TENKI 2015-07-14
The Gushing Blood Vessels And Pulsations 血管と脈動がドクンドクン Genki KUBISHIME 2013-10-10
The Scars of Repeated Strangulation 再び絞めてと首の痕 中條美華 Genki KUBISHIME 2015-01-15
The Sounds That Seep Out Of Her Strangled Throat 滲み出る咽喉の軋む音 澤田あいる Genki KUBISHIME 2015-01-15
The Strangling Bell Won't Stop Ringing 首絞めチャイムはまだ鳴り止まない Genki KUBISHIME 2012-11-30
The Unsure Throat In A Daze Arisu Chigasaki 意識が朦朧に曖昧模糊な喉頸 茅ヶ崎ありす Genki TENKI 2015-07-14
Thin Neck that Makes You Drool 涎ダラダラ折れそうな細い首 Genki KUBISHIME 2012-10-25
This Woman Was a Suicide Maniac Who Begged for Strangulation その女は絞殺志願の自殺マニアだった Genki KUBISHIME 2013-10-10
Tied Up: Strangled to the Limit and Drooling from Mouth 拘束首絞め好き放題と垂れる涎 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-02-18
True Stories Young Wife's Tearful Repayment Strangulation 実録、若妻が泣き怯える首絞め返済 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-02-18
Ultimate Pleasure Wrapped Around Her Delicate Throat. Haruka Hoshii 華奢な喉頸に巻き付き極責め 星井遥 Genki TENKI 2015-07-14
Underwear Salesman Kuni's Strangle Claim Counter Tactic 下着販売員クニちゃんの首絞めクレーム対処法 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-12
Unsettled Little By Little With No Hesitation 躊躇なし小刻みに震え意識障害 森元あすか Genki KUBISHIME 2014-10-27
Utterly Charming Girl's Larynx & Melancholic Blood Vessels 妖艶熟女の喉頭と哀愁の血管 Genki KUBISHIME 2012-11-28
Villain Kuni Assaults An Office Lady on Her Way Home 極悪クニちゃん帰宅途中のOLを襲う Genki KUBISHIME 2013-05-16
Violently Strangled in Fear and Agony 恐怖と苦悶の表情の首絞め暴行 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-18
Wet Tongues Deeply Entwined - Girl Love 唇が濃厚に絡み紐と女性の愛 Genki TENKI 2016-03-28
Wicked Kuni's Abduction, Confinement And Throat Crushing 極悪クニちゃん拉致監禁のど潰し 横山翔子 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-22
Wife's Moaning Echoes Through the New House While Her Husband is Away 旦那不在の新居に響く若妻の擦れ声 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-01-11
Wild Girls So Ecstatic At Being Choked They Start To Drool Sakura Aragaki 涎を垂れ流し首絞めに喜ぶ淫乱女 新垣さくら Genki KUBISHIME 2014-02-01
Wire Cuts into Her Neck and Strangles 徹底的に痕と喰い込みの首絞め Genki KUBISHIME 2012-10-25
Woman On Woman Suffocation And Throats 女性同士の息苦しさと咽喉 Genki KUBISHIME 2012-11-30
Young Celebrity Wife Collapses and Cries at Dishonest Strangle Interview 悪徳首絞め面接に泣き崩れるセレブな若妻 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-02-18
Young Girl Strangled With A Garotte 幼き咽喉に針金を巻きつけ半窒息状態 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-03-18
Young Girl With her Neck Tied Up 首ぐるぐる巻きに拘束の若い女性 Genki KUBISHIME 2013-10-10
Young Wife's New Husbands Secret Strangle Job Maimi Arakawa 新婚若妻の旦那に内緒で首絞めバイト 新川舞美 Genki KUBISHIME 2014-02-01
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