[ap-071] We can never forget that day's humiliation! The school we attended was a girl's school up until last year, so there were only 3 boys in the class! Even though I'd never had contact with girls until middle school, with odds like that, they'll have to like me, right!? Well, that's what I thought...but what I found instead was a group of devious girls who understood the power in their numbers...and used it for bullying.

We can never forget that day's humiliation! The school we attended was a girl's school up until last year, so there were only 3 boys in the class! Even though I'd never had contact with girls until middle school, with odds like that, they'll have to like me, right!? Well, that's what I thought...but what I found instead was a group of devious girls who understood the power in their numbers...and used it for bullying. - ボクたちはあの日の屈辱を忘れない!去年まで女子校だった○校に入学したらクラスには男がたったの3人!中学時代まで全く女子と接点が無かったボクでも少しはモテるかも!?と期待していたけど…そこで待っていたのはクラスの実権を握る女子たちからの陰湿なイジメ! [ap-071]


titre original : ボクたちはあの日の屈辱を忘れない!去年まで女子校だった○校に入学したらクラスには男がたったの3人!中学時代まで全く女子と接点が無かったボクでも少しはモテるかも!?と期待していたけど…そこで待っていたのはクラスの実権を握る女子たちからの陰湿なイジメ!

catégorie : film X japonais / AV

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code produit DVD : ap-071

DMM CID : h_701ap071

code produit DMM support physique : h_701ap071

code produit DMM / R18 version numérique : 1ap00071

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tags : drogues lycéennes projet spécial uniformes universitaires vidéos de plus de 4 heures

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