[rtp-017] My young female homeroom teacher called me in to explain about my absences. She's pretty enthusiastic I guess, or maybe she had to explain to the principal? When I get I get a real motherly instinct, cause she starts stroking and tickling me real gently, and then under my female teacher's guidance, things start to escalate...

My young female homeroom teacher called me in to explain about my absences. She's pretty enthusiastic I guess, or maybe she had to explain to the principal? When I get I get a real motherly instinct, cause she starts stroking and tickling me real gently, and then under my female teacher's guidance, things start to escalate... - 登校拒否になった僕の様子を見に担任の新米女教師が訪問してきた。熱血なのか?それとも校長への点数稼ぎなのか知らないが、僕に優しく接しているうちに母性本能をくすぐられて徐々に女教師の指導がエスカレートしてきて… [rtp-017]


titre original : 登校拒否になった僕の様子を見に担任の新米女教師が訪問してきた。熱血なのか?それとも校長への点数稼ぎなのか知らないが、僕に優しく接しているうちに母性本能をくすぐられて徐々に女教師の指導がエスカレートしてきて…

catégorie : film X japonais / AV

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code produit DVD : rtp-017

DMM CID : 118rtp017

code produit DMM support physique : 118rtp017

code produit DMM / R18 version numérique : 118rtp00017

réalisateur : inconnu

tags : délires / hallucinations documentaires femmes professeurs

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