[rtp-015] I am a Private Tutor with no redeeming qualities and all I do all day is study.At first my pupil doesn't notice that I'm becoming tempted by her sexually frustrated mom... but once she notices, she comes at me full of jealousy and asks ʺʺWouldn't you rather be with me than with my mom?ʺʺ The daughter will do all sorts of thing not to be outdone by her mom...

I am a Private Tutor with no redeeming qualities and all I do all day is study.At first my pupil doesn't notice that I'm becoming tempted by her sexually frustrated mom... but once she notices, she comes at me full of jealousy and asks ʺʺWouldn't you rather be with me than with my mom?ʺʺ The daughter will do all sorts of thing not to be outdone by her mom... - 勉強しか取り柄がなく家庭教師をしている僕。欲求不満な教え子の母が娘に気づかれないようにちょくちょく僕を誘惑してくる…その事に気づいた娘は、嫉妬したのか「ママより私の方がいいでしょ?」と、母に負けじと僕を挑発してきて… [rtp-015]


titre original : 勉強しか取り柄がなく家庭教師をしている僕。欲求不満な教え子の母が娘に気づかれないようにちょくちょく僕を誘惑してくる…その事に気づいた娘は、嫉妬したのか「ママより私の方がいいでしょ?」と、母に負けじと僕を挑発してきて…

catégorie : film X japonais / AV

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code produit DVD : rtp-015

DMM CID : 118rtp015

code produit DMM support physique : 118rtp015

code produit DMM / R18 version numérique : 118rtp00015

réalisateur : inconnu

tags : documentaires lycéennes uniformes universitaires

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